Friday Find

So today I have a great Friday Find.  Though you can't "wear" it, I feel it's not only a great fashion accessory, it serves a purpose as well. 

If you know me at all you know I am what I refer to as a "visual learner".  I need to see things sometimes before I fully understand them.  If we are going to have a meeting I really prefer it be in person.  If you want to tell me about a room you are decorating, it's best if I am there in the room to visualize. The only exception to this (big surprise) is fashion.  I can (and do) help people over the phone or email all the time with suggestions of outfits, items to purchase, etc.   I get a lot of pics from the fitting room to get my advice and I love it :)  However, if you want me to remember a date, it's best I write it down.  I really did try to use my phone as a calendar.  Not smart - for me. 

So, my Friday Find is my Erin Condren Life Planner.  Over the years I have tried MANY planners. ( I have 4 different empty Franklin Covey binders as proof).  This is my second year using the Erin Condren Planner.  


What I love:

  • The vertical layout - 3 blocks for each day of the week for you to divide as you like
  • The size of the planner - perfect for desktop or to carry along with in a bag or big purse
  • There is a monthly calendar for ease of month-at-a-glance type planning
  • Options - PEOPLE - you can choose from tons of different covers - or design your own.  You can switch out the covers as often as you like
  • You may or may not know - there is a huge planner community "out there".  There are shops on Etsy soley devoted to stickers and decorations for your planner
  • Overall, the planner is very user friendly and you can truly make it work for you 


  • There are Etsy shops soley devoted to stickers and decorations for your planner
  • The planner doesn't plan for you :)

I am not writing a sponsored Friday Find but if you're interested   and life planners are 50% off right now...