Friday Find

Happy Friday!!

My find for this week is a little different.  The find is not so much an object or piece of clothing as it is an event of sorts.  

Last night, I was part of a great GNO.  Unfamiliar with the term?  It's Girl's Night Out.  I won't go thru an entire history here, but GNO has been around awhile.  Sometimes held in a home displaying a direct sales product like jewelry or make-up, sometimes held in a shop, sometimes in bar.  No matter the place, what's important to me and why I LOVE being part of these is when done right- a GNO is all about women getting together inspiring each other.  That's the only GNO I want to be a part of.  In my case, my fav is an event involving clothing (of course).  Last night was awesome!  We gathered in a small shop full of great finds of all sorts from clothing to accessories to home items to bath/spa goodies.  Some lucky shoppers had special touches added to their hairstyle while shopping (including an homage to Prince with some purple hair).  We put new outfits together, found new ways to wear something we already owned, found new pieces perhaps we wouldn't normally buy.  But...most important ... we encouraged each other, celebrated each other, and laughed.  THIS is a great Friday Find.  I encourage you to have your own GNO ....girlfriends ...celebrate each other...inspire each other.  The world could use a little more of that.

"live action" helping a friend shop 

"live action" helping a friend shop