Color in your wardrobe can be magic. If done well, it's beautiful magic. Color can not only brighten your mood (and the mood of others around you), it can also brighten your complexion. Edith Head, the famous costume designer, once said of color "color can completely change not only the appearance, but the mood of any woman, whether she is an actress or a housewife". (Before we go any further, please don't comment on the latter part of the quote and the woman being an actress or housewife - the quote is from 1967).
Adding color to your outfit is simple. What you must first decide is how much color you want to use in your outfit. Here are some different ways I like to add color to my outfit:
I holope this inspires you to add more color to your wardrobe. If you already wear color, I hope this inspires you to wear your pieces in different combinations to make your wardrobe truly work for you!
Need assistance ? Let me know in the comments below. I would love to see the outfit you create with color - post it below or on my facebook page !