With temps in the 30's I am happy to be looking ahead to Spring and dreaming of a new handbag. I. Love. Handbags. I have a collection of them and take good care of each of them. They are stored in the dust bags that arrived with them or in cotton pillowcases for extra measure. I have certain criteria that, for me, a new handbag must meet in order for me to purchase. I am not brand loyal, but rather choose handbags based on my likes and my preferences. I do not choose the handbag based on the brand, the monogram on it (or not on it) but more about if I like it. If it's a satchel, it needs to have "feet" on the bottom to protect it should I sit it down. If it is made with a "leather look", for me, it needs to be leather. If it's a soft fabric I prefer nylon as it is more durable. As with my clothing, I love versatility and options in a handbag. One that converts to be worn in more than one style is a real bonus for me. I like both the simple, classic styling of a satchel or a kitschy print of some sort. I enjoy a large or oversized handbag as much as I like a small clutch, if not more. However, for me, a larger bags just invites me to put more "stuff" in it which isn't always best. I have been looking around a bit for Spring and here are a few of my fav picks for handbags:
First up is the Jetsetter from Henri Bendel. Full disclosure - I do own this bag already but I would love the gray nylon one :). I love this bag because it can be worn as a backpack, carried by the handles, or use the shoulder strap and easily wear it cross body. There are sooo many options for fabric and color there has got to be one you would love as well!
Next, the Patricia Nash Ticci bag. It has a boho vibe for me and I love that. Again, it can be carried by the round handles or by using the long strap can easily be worn over the shoulder or as a cross body. Last summer it was available in white as well so hopefully that will be an option again.
Next up is a nylon satchel from Kipling. As I mentioned before, I love nylon handbags. I think the fabric lends itself to any season and is so versatile because of that. If you are going to choose a fabric bag I think you have to have one that is easy to spot clean and this fits the bill. This bag can be carried as a satchel or comfortably as a shoulder bag as well.
The Coach Cooper. Though I am not brand loyal, I do love Coach handbags. The quality of the leather is superb. I have Coach bags already in my collection but none with this silhouette and I love it. I seem to be drawn to large satchel - tote - handbags lately and I just love the look of this one. For Spring, the pink tone seems perfect to me.
The Calvin Klein Lola. How could you not carry this bag and be happy? The floral print just reminds me of Spring. Without meaning to sound like a broken record, this bag can be carried as a satchel or shoulder bag for more options. The color is neutral so this bag would go with everything in your Spring wardrobe!
I hope this short list inspires you to find a new bag for Spring that speaks to you and helps you own your style! I had so many choices it was difficult to narrow it down. I may just pick a bag already in my collection, tie a pretty scarf around the handle and pretend it's brand new :).